Day 37 -Leviticus 13-14 (Laws for Leprosy)
"This is the law for any leprous sore and scale, for the leprosy of a garment and of a house,
for a swelling and a scab and a bright spot, to teach when it is unclean and when it is clean. This is the law of leprosy." (Leviticus 14:54-57)
One might ask the question why God singles out leprosy out of all the diseases at the time He Moses wrote Leviticus. The Bible doesn’t give us an answer but many students of the Bible agree that leprosy, especially during biblical times, was a graphic picture of sin.
Like sin, leprosy was incurable until modern medicine provided the cure for this horrible disease. Also like sin, leprosy begins as nothing and is painless in its first stages but then slowly progresses in severity. As sin numbs our moral senses, leprosy numbs the physical senses in the affected areas and causes decay and deformity - just as sin decays and deforms the persons morals. Finally, as sin gives a repulsive appearance, so does leprosy.
Jesus healed many lepers during His three-year ministry. Sin, like leprosy, defiles us in the sight of God and will send us to eternal punishment unless completely washed clean through the Blood of Christ that was shed for our salvation.
One thing we can learn from leprosy in the Bible is that our attitude towards sin in light of our Savior Jesus should echo the words of Peter: “Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord!” (Luke 5:8) This does not mean we turn Christ away, rather, it means that we recognize and acknowlege our own repulsiveness, like a leper, before God because of our sins and that were it not for His mercy and grace we would not be accepted by Him.
Every single one of the lepers whom Jesus healed acknowleged their condition and pleaded with Him for mercy and healing. Have you acknowleged your own sinfulness before God admitting that you are not acceptable to Him but are actually repulsive to Him because of your sins? Unless you descend to that position of total depravity and humility, there is absolutely no cure for your sins.
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