Day 133 - 2 Chronicles 7-8 (May God Have Mercy on Us as a Nation)
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"if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land." (2 Chronicles 7:14)
During his dedication of the temple of the Lord which he built, Solomon prayed a lengthy prayer to God for mercy and forgiveness whenever the people and the nation of Israel sinned against Him and repented of their sins. Soon after Solomon's prayer, we read from our text above, that God spoke to Solomon and told him that He heard his prayers.
Sadly, there had been more generations in Israel after the dedication of the temple that did evil and sinned against God that did not turn from their wicked ways and as a result reaped the judgment of God. There has been a handful of generations, though, that sought the Lord and repented of their evil ways and received Gods forgiveness and healingof their land. Among those are the generations of kings Asa, Jehoshaphat, Hezekiah and Josiah.
Looking at this great country of America which has been my home now for more than thirty years, there had been pockets of revival throughout its history as God's people humbled themselves, sought God, and turned from their wicked ways.
Today, more than at any other time in the history of America, we as a nation and people are guilty of the worst sins against God. Consider these facts: We have killed more than 50 million unborn babies since 1973; legalized same sex marriage in most of the 50 states and are on track to mandating it in all states; developed such animosity and hatred against God and the Bible in public places to the point that the so-called Christians are afraid to be seen with their Bibles or to speak about their faith. Unless God brings a new revival in this country, we are done as a Christian nation.
I believe that God can once again bring another revival in this land today if His "people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways." It can happen when Christians
begin to individually humble themselves and intercede in behalf of America. I believe that when God finds enough of His people standing in the gap for this nation, He might just be pleased to forgive and heal our land.
I am preaching to myself more than any other person in this short message because I am so lacking in this area of my prayer life, that is, praying in behalf of the sins of the people of this nation.
"Lord, please forgive our sins as a people of America. We have murdered millions of babies in their mother's womb; we have abandoned the faith of the founders of this once great nation; we have raised our fist to you and played God by trying to change the very foundation of the institution of marriage and family which you have created. Forgive us of our sins. Help us to turn from our sins and to seek your face. Be pleased to heal from heaven and forgive our sins and heal our land. Help me to be faithful to stand in the gap for the people of this nation. Amen."
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