Day 212 - Isaiah 19-28 (You Can Have Perfect Peace)
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"You will keep him in perfect peace,
Whose mind is stayed on You,
Because he trusts in You.
Trust in the LORD forever,
For in Yah, the LORD, is everlasting strength."
(Isaiah 26:3-4)
What person would not want perfect peace? All of us are plagued with stress and worries and everything else that is the opposite of peace. Most people would say that they want peace and would do anything to get it. Well, here's great news; the Bible says anyone can have perfect peace.
There is one condition, though, to attain perfect peace. No, you don't need to go on a pilgrimage to some summit or desert. You don't have to deny yourself all worldly comforts and be holed up in some monastery as a monk. You don't have to empty your mind and be on a lotus position and say "Uhmmmmmmm".
You do, however, need to keep your mind stayed on God through His Son Jesus Christ.
So what in the world does it mean to have our mind stayed on God? The key is the word trust. Isaiah writes that the person whose mind is stayed on God trust in Him. Trust has to have both a subject and an object. For example, a subject of trust could be money I need to pay my bills and the object could be anything including God or myself or a rich relative.
To trust God means to make Him the object of our trust for all the subjects in our life that keeps us from having peace. Therefore, to have perfect peace, I need to be able to trust God to provide for all my needs both present and future including my eternal destiny.
I would be lying if I said that I have perfect peace all the time. Learning to trust God for everything is not at all easy. It is a lot easier to just worry about my problems and try to figure a way to solve it myself which usually makes me lose sleep at night when I do. I am still growing in my ability to trust God for every area of my life. Whenever I am able to trust Him with a subject, I experience perfect peace about that particular subject. Whenever I am not worried about anything, I am able to have perfect peace.
To trust in Jesus means to lay whatever burden we may be carrying upon Him instead carrying it ourselves. Jesus said,
"Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light. (Matthew 11:28-30)"
The secret then to experiencing perfect peace is exchanging our burdens which keep us from having peace with the "burden" of Christ which He describes as easy and light and provides rest for the soul.
How do we make this exchange? Jesus said it is by first of all coming to Him. Have you come to Jesus yet to trust Him with all your needs especially your need to be saved from the punishment of your sins? If not, you will never know perfect peace until you do.
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