Day 285 - Matthew 27 - Mark 4 (What Every Christian Should Be All About)
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'"Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Amen.'" (Matthew 28:19-20)
I believe that every person has a specific calling in life and one must not rest until he discovers that highest purpose for which he was created for. The Bible says that every human being was created to "fear God and keep His commandments (Ecclesiastes 12:13)." The Bible also teaches that no one can obey God unless God first draws that person unto Himself through faith in His Son Jesus Christ (Romans 3:10). Therefore, the purpose of every human is to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be born again (John 3).
After one becomes born-again in the family of God through faith in Jesus Christ, the new believer becomes a recipient, along with all other true Christians, of what is known as the Great Commission. The Great Commission is Christ's call to every believer to make disciples of all nations. Our text above is every Christian's marching order from our Commander-in-Chief, the Lord Jesus Christ.
The direct command by the Lord Jesus in Matthew 28:19-20 is not to go or even to baptize; rather, it is to make disciples. If making disciples is the believer's highest calling, it is very important, therefore, for every Christian to understand what it means and how to fulfill the Great Commission.
The word disciple simply means a student or follower. A disciple of Christ, therefore, is one who is a follower of Christ. Obviously, in order for me to be able to make disciples, I must make sure that I am one myself. The question I must answer with a resounding YES in order to be counted as a disciple is: Am I following the commandments of the Lord Jesus Christ including His command to make other disciples?
I have settled that question many years ago and by the grace of God, He has kept me to this day as one of His many disciples. I have made it my sole mission in life to become a discple-maker in obedience to my Lord's command. It is in line with my life-mission that my wife Amber and I have decided to return to the Philippines this coming October 30 in order to start a training center for church-planters (those called by God to start new churches in places where there are none).
I cannot think of a more effective way for me personally to fulfill my life-mission given to me by my Lord and Savior who saved me from eternal destruction than to be involved in the training of those who will train others also in fulfillment of the Great Commission. By myself, I can only make perhaps one or two disciples, but with many churches started in places unreached by the gospel, I will be able to make a hundred-fold times more disciples.
If you are a follower of Christ, your highest purpose in life is also to make disciples. You can do so by personally winning a soul to Christ and then helping that person to grow to become a true disciple as well. You can also be a contributor to the fulfillment of Christ's call to make disciples by praying and supporting ministries and missions that are involved in the active and effective fulfillment of the Great Commission.
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