Day 170 - Psalm 35-44 (Delight in the Lord and He Will Give You the Desires of Your Heart)
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"Delight yourself also in the LORD,
And He shall give you the desires of your heart.
Commit your way to the LORD,
Trust also in Him,
And He shall bring it to pass.
And He shall give you the desires of your heart.
Commit your way to the LORD,
Trust also in Him,
And He shall bring it to pass.
(Psalm 37:4-5)
I have proven God's promise in our text above over and over again. God has given me every desire of my heart except for the one thing that I am still praying for and waiting for, that is, that all of my loved ones discover the joy of having a personal relationship with Jesus. I claim that promise that God will also give me that desire of my heart in His own time.
One particular example I will never forget happened before God gave us the house we live in here in Keyport, NJ. Amber and I loved going to the Keyport boardwalk since it was only about a mile away from our kids' school where I happened to work at as a teacher from 2007 to 2009. I keenly remember telling Amber how I wished that we could live in Keyport. Little did I know then that God will give me the desire of my heart and give us the perfect home that we now own.
God's promise to give us the desire of our heart is conditional; one must delight in the Lord. What does it mean to delight one's self in the Lord? One way to find what it means is to ask ourself the question, "What do I delight in more than anything else in the world?"
Most people will give an answer that is temporary in nature such as having a lot of money in the bank or travelling the world or finding success or delighting in the person they love. To delight in the Lord, therefore, means to find one's fulfillment in God and the things of God. It means to delight in reading and obeying His Word, the Bible which is His revelation of Himself to man.
David also adds that delighting in God means committing our ways to Him and trusting Him to take care of all our needs and concerns. When we do that, God promises that He will bring to pass whatever it is that we desire or seek as long as it is according to His will.
One thing that my wife and I have committed to God and trust Him for is our children's future spouses. We obviously want all our children to marry the one person whom God has chosen for them even before they were born. We believe that God's will for our children is to marry someone who is a Christian and who loves God above all else. I believe with all my heart that God will give us also this desire of our hearts.
Do you delight in the Lord? If you cannot honestly answer yes, ask God to help you to do so and He will help you delight in Him. Just as you need to work on any relationship to develop love and arrive at a point where you begin to delight in the person you love, we also need to work on developing our love for God by committing all our ways to Him and seeking Him daily through His Word. If you do that, God will start giving you the desires of your heart.
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