Day 175 - Psalm 68-71 (God is Great!)
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"You who have done great things;
O God, who is like You?"
(Psalm 71:19b)
The Psalmist David could not help but declare the greatness of God because of what He had done for him and because of what he saw God do during his lifetime. We too should have the same response as David whenever for all the things that God has done for us and around us. Truly, God has done great things, He's so good to me.
David knew God's greatness in delivering him from his many troubles throughout his life. The Bible tells us that David was constantly at war with his enemies both outside and inside his kingdom yet God was always faithful in saving him from the pangs of death. If you have not read through the Psalms, I encourage you to do so at least once to see for yourself and have a feel of David's heart as he cried out to God for deliverance from his enemies and his praise to God for His greatness in rescuing David.
God calls us to give praise to Him for His greatness and goodness. We need to do it even when we don't feel like praising God such as during times of trouble of spiritually flatness. There is a praise song I used to sing a lot when I was a new Christian with the lyrics below:
"You have done great things,
You have done great things,
You have done great things,
You're so good to me."
God has done many great things in my life. He has rescued me from death threats when I managed a Christian resort in the Philippines. He has blessed me with a wonderful family who love God deeply. He has provided for me and my family in everything we needed and more. When I look around me, I see His greatness in creation and in His sovereignty in controlling world events in order to fulfill His will as written in His Word the Bible. God is great and and there is none like Him!
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