Day 259 - Daniel 8-12 (Timeline of History Until Christ's Return)
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24"Seventy weeks are determined
For your people and for your holy city,
To finish the transgression,
To make an end of sins,
To make reconciliation for iniquity,
To bring in everlasting righteousness,
To seal up vision and prophecy,
And to anoint the Most Holy.
"Know therefore and understand,
That from the going forth of the command
To restore and build Jerusalem
Until Messiah the Prince,
There shall be seven weeks and sixty-two weeks;
The street shall be built again, and the wall,
Even in troublesome times.
"And after the sixty-two weeks
Messiah shall be cut off, but not for Himself;
And the people of the prince who is to come
Shall destroy the city and the sanctuary.
The end of it shall be with a flood,
And till the end of the war desolations are determined.
Then he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week;
But in the middle of the week
He shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering.
And on the wing of abominations shall be one who makes desolate,
Even until the consummation, which is determined,
Is poured out on the desolate." (Daniel 9:24-27)
I believe that it is but fitting that the prophet Daniel has been given the honor by God to receive, arguably the most significant prophecy in all of Scripture - that which pertains to the events from the time of the command to rebuild Jerusalem during the time of Nehemiah until the second coming of Christ after the seven-year great tribulation.
I will lean on the side of being labelled simplistic in the hope that most of my readers in this blog will continue to read my short exposition of our passage above. The seventy weeks are seventy seven-year cycles that are determined upon the nation Israel, its people and upon the city of Jerusalem. Therefore, this is a prophecy that relates to God's dealing with the nation of Israel. It will be accomplished in seventy times seven years.
The prophecies of Daniel wewre based upon the Babylonian calendar of 360-day years and so transposing seventy times seven years would equal to 173,880 days or 483 years. According to records that were found by Sir Rawlinson in the Palace of Shushan, the order to rebuild Jerusalem was given in March 14, 445 B.C. And so from the year March 14, 445 B.C., according to the prediction here, the Messiah should have come in 483 years from the time of this commandment.
On April 6, 32 A.D., exactly 173,880 days from the commandment of Artaxerxes to Nehemiah to restore and rebuild Jerusalem, Jesus entered Jerusalem riding on a donkey, for the first time officially claiming His rightful place as Messiah to the nation of Israel; "but not for Himself," literally, "and receive nothing for himself." We know that Jesus was killed without receiving the kingdom at that time because He was, as predicted by Isaiah, despised and rejected by His people.
From the time of the command to rebuild Jerusalem until the time when Messiah was cut off or killed was sixty-nine seven-year cycles. Now, we have one seven-year cycle that is not yet transpired. It is as if at that point, God's prophetic clock has stopped because the last seven-year period is yet to be fulfilled.
The last "week" or seven years is what Bible scholars call the Great Tribulation. It will begin with the anti-Christ, who at that time will rise up as the supreme ruler of the revived Roman empire, master-minding a peace treaty with Israel and her enemies so that she is able to rebuild the temple.
In the middle of the seven years, the anti-Christ will break his treaty with Israel and sit in the temple to desecrate it and declare himself as God at which time will mark the series of terrible judgments from God on the world culminating in the return of Christ to rightfully re-claim that which belongs to Him.
The Bible teaches that the Christians will be raptured or taken up to heaven without dying before the second coming of Christ to judge the world. It makes most sense that the rapture takes place before the great tribulation because the Bible also teaches that believers are not appointed for God's wrath which is what the great tribulation is.
Are you ready should the anti-Christ reveal himself tomorrow? Will you be among those raptured before the wrath of God is poured out on the world? If not, there is still time for you to escape judgment; but you need to humble yourself before God and repent of your sins and ask for His forgiveness and He promises to forgive you through the sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ who paid for your sins and mine.
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