Day 265 - Micah (What Does God Require of You?)
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"He has shown you, O man, what is good;
And what does the LORD require of you
But to do justly,
To love mercy,
And to walk humbly with your God?" (Micah 6:8)
Micah, along with his contemporary prohets, Isaiah and Hosea, were sent by God to call His people to repentance and righteousness. God told the Jews that He wasn't looking for their sacrifices of animals or oil but rather the sacrifice of doing justice and loving mercy and walking humbly with their God.
I am almost sure that none of us reading this short devo would wake up every morning and ask ourselves, "Now, who could I treat unjustly today?" No, what we are all guilty of as far as injustice is a lot more subtle such as lying to save face or cheating on our taxes or projecting an impression about ourselves before others which we are not. We need to confess and repent of those as sins of injustice and begin to do justly.
Do we love mercy as God requires us to? One of the greatest need of the majority of people in the world is material and physical help due to their poverty. I confess that I have not done even remotely close to what I should and could be doing to alleviate the suffering of the poor. I am grateful to God for giving me and my wife a vision to help poor pastors and their families in the Philippines through introducing and enabling them to have a livelihood that can help then with their daily sustenance.
Perhaps the greatest need we all have is to walk humbly with our God. We are not walking humbly with God whenever we fail to bring our needs before Him in prayer and allow Him to fight our battles. Instead, because of our pride, we always fight our own battles in our relationships, finances, physical illnesses, etc. and lose whether or not we win in our struggles. We lose even when we win because we end up taking the credit rather than giving credit to God.
"Dear God, please forgive us for our injustices. Help us to love mercy starting with caring for the poor of this world. Forgive us for our foolish pride and help us to walk humbly with You by bringing everything in our lives before your throne in prayer and we will give you all the glory and praise. In Jesus name, amen."
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