Sunday, November 8, 2015

Day 313 - John 12- 15

Day 313 - John 12- 15 (How Many Roads Lead to God?)
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'Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me'"   (John 14:6)

We have all heard the saying, "all roads lead to heaven."  If that philosophy is true, then, everyone in the world will make it to heaven somehow and no one need worry about the consequences of their actions or beliefs. Jesus, however, taught the exact opposite of the aforementioned philosophy.

So what did Jesus teach about how one could go to heaven?  In our text above, Jesus boldly claimed that He is the only way to God the Father and He categorically excludes all other ways to heaven.  He even added that He is the only truth and the life meaning apart from Him, all things are false and lead to death.

Now, it's one thing to claim to be the only way and truth and life and completely another to prove it.  For example, there is this crazy charlatan named Kiboloy or whatever in Davao City, Mindanao who now has a worldwide following.  This deceiver claims he is the Christ and therefore, is the only way, truth and life.  Does he have any proof to back it up?  Absolutely none.

Jesus, however, not only claimed to be God Himself, as we saw in my last post, and also the only way, truth and life; He also proved it by fulfilling all of the prophecies about the Christ in Scripture.  Just fulfilling even 8 out of the 300 prophecies that He did would have been a mathematical impossibility.

For me personally, though, the change which Jesus made in my life and the fruit He has accomplished in me is the greatest proof that He is in fact the only way, truth and life.  You too can know Jesus personally to be the Way, Truth and Life if you put your complete trust in Him as your Lord and Savior.

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